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Showing posts from February 21, 2016

Self Care

A commonly asked question; Is self care selfish? And I say it till I'm blue in the face. Never is self care selfish. Even if you don't suffer from a mental illness, everyone needs self care. When I was young, I always put everyone before myself. I thought that, being from a somewhat religious family, that this was the right thing to do. I would keep my worries to myself so I didn't burden people, and let people use me as a doormat, so I wouldn't hurt their feelings. But then, as a little Aoife starting to spiral into depression, I realised something. Keeping everything to myself was unhealthy. Putting everyone's needs ahead of mine just wasn't safe. Though, I still wanted to help people. So I continued trying to put everyone else in front of me for a while, until I realised I wasn't helping anyone. Turns out, I couldn't benefit anyone without helping myself first. I suppose this is when I first discovered self care. It's when I learned to say