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Eight Homicides

The head of the homicide department slammed a newspaper down on the desk of the lead investigator, making his coffee quiver.
"Eight homicides. Eight. A mass serial killing. All a week ago, and you don't even have a suspect!" the gnarled old man spat.
"There really wasn't any evidence sir-"
"No evidence?! There were eight people killed, there has to be some evidence! Hell, you haven't even identified a couple!" the old man raged.
"The bodies were pretty..." The investigator trailed off, grimacing.
"You're a homicide investigator, don't be such a pansy" he told him sharply.
The young man handed him a photo of one of the most mangled victims.
The older man struggled to keep the disgust off his face.
He sighed, putting it down.
"I go away for a week and eight people are left dead, and no one might as well have called the police."
Agitated, anxious, he took a cigarette out of his breast pocket and expertly sat in in the perfect position in his mouth.
"No murder weapon? No eye witnesses?" he asked, lighting the cigarette.
"That's the thing sir... There was only one eyewitness and her blood and fingerprints have contaminated the whole scene."
The mans eyes widened in disbelief.
"Have you not come to the conclusion that she is a primary suspect?! Arrest her and question her now!"
"But sir, we tried to talk to her. She seems mute from trauma."
"She is a danger to everyone, bring her in and I'll get her to talk!"
The older man had gone red from rage, the thoughts that the investigators let a serial murder go causing unbelievable amounts of anger and disbelief.
"But sir-"
"I want her in, now!"
"But sir-"
"No buts"
"What?" yelled the puffing man, who was ready to punch the investigator.
"She's only a little girl."

I like to write stories. This is a concept I'm working on, and I'm very excited about it! I'm currently writing a different story at the moment, an excerpt I'll blog when I find the right piece. I've been writing since I was about six years old, and it's always something that's brought me great joy. If you'd like to read more excerpts or short stories, let me know and I'll be only more than happy to oblige!


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