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I assure you that this is not an infamous click bait title. We are indeed going to discuss boobs.
Am I making you uncomfortable? Why? Is it because society makes us view breasts in two different ways?
We either love their sex appeal or shame them just because they exist.
As a woman, I'm shamed for having boobs. They're not big enough, so I'm not attractive, if they show at all, I'm a slut, if I never show them, I'm a prude.

Society is funny, isn't it? Yes, isn't it wonderful to have a photoshopped model on magazines, billboards and the internet, boobs big and beautiful. But God forbid women use them what they're for.
Women forced into bathrooms to breast feed, yelled at for nourishing a child, for their boobs acting out their primary function.

When I ask people why they don't agree with #freethenipple, they say they don't want their kids to see "that sort of thing". Don't they know that boobs aren't a sex organ? They have no reason to be censored or deemed offensive. By this logic, we should treat beards in the same way.
Because beards and boobs are biologically in the same category; secondary sexual characteristics. They play no part in creating new life.

Why have we sexualised a part of the body to the point it's deemed offensive? Why do fathers and brothers shy away of seeing any slight slip of skin of boobs, why does it make them uncomfortable? Because they have generally sexualised boobs.
Why have we, as a society, done this? We have taken a body part for nourishing a baby, and drowned the idea of it in sex, so much so that it's scandalous to see a baby feeding gland.
Put it that way, it makes us uncomfortable that we've sexualised and shamed such an innocent and necessary thing.

Why is society weird like that?

New blog post every week so check back!
*next few months will be hectic due to final exams and travel, so apologises if the posts are hectic
What's your opinion on this? All comments are asked to be respectful and opinions are welcome
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