For the past year and a half, I've been recovering from depression. Recovery was always a goal for me, as it is for most struggling with mental health. But what I didn't realise what would happen when I started to recover. In my head, it would go from cruel darkness to pure joy and happiness overnight. Of course, unrealistic, but your mind is compromised when riddled with depression. Going through recovery, I realised I had lost my identity. I was no longer the mentally ill girl, depression the focus of my life. So who was I? Who was I before depression ate away with me? And I realised with horror, that I didn't know. I had been diagnosed with depression about six or seven months before starting to feel like I was recovering, after suffering for a long time. I had been suicidal and my GAD and panic attacks had begun to spin out of control, hence my diagnosis. But depression does not begin or end with diagnosis. I tried to recall the start of my depression, but still ...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.