Just a little boy. A poor, defenseless baby, washed up dead, his corpse being plastered all over the interent. Dead, trying to avoid certain death. But he is not the only one. An unimaginable amount of Syrian fleeing their country, and countless countries refusing them entry. Who are we to refuse them entry? Who are we to ignore a people crying out for help? Syrians aren't parasites, trying to feed off us. They mean no harm. They're people. They're humans. Like you and I. So who are we to condemn them to a tragic death? Who are we, mere humans, to be able to play god in these humans lives, forcing them to stay in a war ridden land? Who were we to allow Syrians to become so afraid, so desperate, that small kids are washing up on our selfish shores? We are condemning thousands of kids just like them to their deaths every day. What in the world makes us think that this is ok? Why are we so privileged? Why are they not treated like people?
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.