Exams. Say this to any person with an anxiety disorder, and our hearts rise to our throats whilst beating at an uncomfortably rapid pace. It's not like the normal exam stress most people get, because us anxious folk find that level of nerves normal. I could try and put it in proportions for people who don't have an anxiety disorder, but I honestly think it's almost impossible to imagine if you haven't experienced it yourself. Personally, I find exams extremely difficult. From class tests to state exams, they all cause that little ball of panic inside me to enlarge. So much so, I didn't do the Junior Cert, the first state exam you do in Ireland. Even though I didn't do any exams for a period of my life, the last two years have been a huge learning curve in how to deal with exams. Though these tips might not always be easy, as a person with GAD, I can at least vouch that they work for me. 1; Don't Panic About Panicking I find that I get anxious over th...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.