Sometimes people hear anxiety and they (ironically) worry about it. People wonder how I possibly could work and deal with it. Will it effect my work? Will I be a bad employee? Honestly, no. I will probably be the best employee ever. My anxiety has led me to have an eye for detail and a striving for completion and success. When it comes to customer service, I know how it feels for someone to be terrified to be in a retail situation, so I will treat everyone I come across with a smile and sensitivity. People doubt me when they hear the word anxiety. But I've enjoyed all the work I've experienced in my life. I've worked in a cat sanctuary, a charity shop and with Cycle Against Suicide. I never panicked in any work situation. I've never worried any coworkers, neither have I gotten any complaints. Work, oddly, has not caused me major anxiety. Even if work does cause you anxiety, there's a way to manage it, whether it be working part time or from home. Work for me has...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.