If you're unaware of what this series is, see the first installment here . Dear Becky, I think it's you who I'm talking to. When it comes to my body, I'm not exactly sure. I was so happy with my body for a long time, but I know it was because I lost a lot of weight. I wasn't able to gain any, so I was able to eat like a normal person. My weight has finally settled, at a weight that's lighter than my original, but I'm panicking. Is it you who is making me think I look fat? Is it you who is making me see my body in a distorted image? Is it you who's making me feel awful about myself? Becky, do you make me not want to eat, to exercise excessively? I know it's ridiculous, I don't need to write to you to know that. When I exercise outside of my usual routine, I'm internally yelling at myself the entire time. But, when I eat, I wish I hadn't. I wish I could reverse half of what I've eaten today, and I'm dreading dinner. What ar...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.