Today is both a bleak, yet amazing day. Donald Trump is officially president of the United States of America with Mike Pence at his side (you can see why I hope they will be impeached here ). This hatred has been met with the amazing Women's March. Today, I am so proud to be a woman. I am so proud to be a feminist. I am so proud of all the women, all the men, all the humans, no matter what they identify as, standing up for human rights. Today, I am also frustrated. I cannot be in Dublin, standing side by side with people, standing up for what I believe in, for I am terrified of crowds. I am terrified to be in a large and loud crowd, so much so, I had a panic attack the last time I was in a similar situation. GAD and panic disorder have often kept me away from cool shit, but this is the thing that upsets me the most. I vowed not to be afraid to proudly use my voice for feminist issues recently, and not being at a march today feels like I'm cheating on everyone. But I'm no...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.