I will stand up and admit that I used to be a toxic person. I was surrounded by toxicity for so long, I unknowingly adopted the techniques, thinking they were normal. This doesn't mean that I was a bad person, but a person with bad experiences and bad behaviours. To stop hurting the people you care about, it's important to recognise toxic behaviours, so you can stop them. 1: Being Passive Agressive "Fine, whatever." "K." You don't express your feelings, but you say things that you know will make the other uncomfortable, or feel guilty. You 'keep score' with someone. If someone is annoyed at you, you reflect it with, "Well, at least I didn't do (insert grudge here)". 2: Never Apologising A toxic person often feels like a wounded animal. They do everything they can, and feel wrongly attacked if someone questions their actions. It's easy to forget that other people have feelings too, and even if trying your best, you are no...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.