If you are unfamiliar with my 'Dear Becky' series, a previous post entitled Dear Becky will fully inform you. Dear Becky You know what? Fuck you. Why are you so afraid of doing an experiment in class? You don't have the teacher you hate anymore. Why are you afraid of going into that class? The teacher is one of the most relaxed and laid backed teachers who actually gets a lot of work done - you should love him. You should be relaxed going into his class. New people and new things aren't scary. The prefect training is a pain in the face, but you're not missing important classes or classes that are hard to catch up on, like maths and history. You have a biology test on Friday, and that's ok. You've studied for ages. You've looked at exams questions. You studied, studied, and restudied chapters and are going to do the same before Friday and on Friday morning. You'll be fine. Maths is also fine. You're a little confused, but you've on...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.