I have pigeon chest. Pigeon chest is when your sternum protrudes, instead on laying inside your chest. It can lead to connective tissue diseases, but luckily, I don't have that. The only side effects I have from it is that I find it hard to exercise, and it's alters my appearance. My chest seems puffed out and bony. Some bones are clearly visible and easy to touch and count. I have been rather conscious about this for a long time, and have been too afraid to wear something that shows my chest. I am rather thin, and I get comments on it, but my chest isn't a result of this. I'm afraid people will link the two and come up with the wrong conclusion. It makes me feel like I have an immature body. That my body isn't womanly or feminine, but childish. Over time, I kind of accepted it. I pushed it to the back of my head. Then, just very recently, I found out it was possible to lessen the visual effects of pigeon chest with a brace. You wear a brace at night, and it encou...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.