From the tender age of four, we start dealing with teachers. They're the people who pass knowledge onto us, and even if we're baffled by its uselessness, we are forced to consume it. We are taught to respect teachers to a high degree, and some teach us to fear them. Now, lets be honest, nobody teaches for the money. Where I live, teachers often campaign for better pay, whilst in America, a recent statistic showed that 60% of American teachers cannot rely solely on a teaching wage. So, we can safely assume that apart from the three infamous reasons to be a teacher (June, July and August), people flock to the teaching profession through a passion, and through the goodness of their hearts. Though I do respect teachers (it is a job I could never do), I don't appreciate how highly society holds them. Much like the pope, many teachers are regarded as infallible. The student is a mere sheep, needing their shepherd, a teacher, to guide them. It is generally accepted that...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.