Dear Becky, You're seeing him for the first time in months. Yes, he'll have to go home again, but this will be one of the, of not the, last time. Besides, it's been like that every time. You're not going to ruin the 10 days we have together with your shit, Becky. I'm not letting you make me worry over this stupid thing. It's going to be awesome and christmas is going to be lovely. Yes, it'll be sad when he goes home, but we're on the last stretch of the ldr then. But I'm not going to let the thoughts of him going home consume me for the 10 days because then what's the point? I'm going to live in the moment and enjoy every second, so fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off (sorry, that's rather therapeutic). Until next time, Aoife Small update: no new posts until about new years, going to spend some time with my boyfriend. Stay safe, and have a happy Christmas! X
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.