"What have you done over the summer?" "Nothing much, I haven't been well." "Anxiety?" This is a conversation I had the other day with someone I haven't known for a particularly long time, neither do I know him particularly well. It frustrated and mildly upset myself. Am I so predictable that when I'm ill people automatically assume it's my mental health? I have always said that I won't let my mental illnesses, particularly my anxiety disorder, get in the way of my life. I thought I was doing well during my first year at university, especially since I was going to therapy. But, looking back on it, anxiety dictated a lot of what I did. I missed out on a lot of social events and extracurricular activities I was genuinely interested in. I let my anxiety react far too hard to situations, leading to multiple crying sessions in the library (crying in my space of education was something I swore to give up after secondary school). When apply...
A human who blogs about whatever comes into her brain.