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Media, you've done it again.
An article was released about a seemingly scandalous photo from the well known Youtuber, Zoe Sugg, also known as Zoella.
Zoe really needs no introduction. With a mass following around the world, she has a whopping 10 million YouTube subscribers (and counting), a successful blog, a gorgeous beauty range, two best selling books, has worked with charities and has brought awareness to anxiety disorders.
Of course, this level of success means that Zoe is in the limelight. Like anyone who is popular in a social career, she's under the scrutiny of the media.
Seen below is a photo Zoe uploaded on her snapchat, and, oh gasp, a tiny peek of underwear.
Of course, this article is released, seemingly trying to shame Zoe for being 'revealing'.
Don't get me wrong, if Zoe wanted to put herself naked on the internet, I wouldn't care. But, she is obviously trying to be shamed, and just because she's a woman.
With tabloid story after tabloid story, I noticed a sickening trend in articles written revolving Zoe. She is being shamed for something her male counterparts are being praised for.
If you watch vlogs, then you'll know that men are sometimes in underwear, but no one has made a fuss; so much so, there's no 'scandalous' tabloid about it.
Again, seen below, is a photo of Justin Bieber in his underwear, wearing a lot less than Zoe, but is being praised.
Typical sexism in media.
But this hasn't been the only case.
This week, my Facebook feed has literally been bombarded with ridiculous articles about Zoe's income. They're about how shocking her paycheck is and that people are outraged.
I'd like to point out that even if someone has aquire wealth and or fame, their income is still none of our business. Someone being in the spotlight does not give the media or the public any right to invade on their privacy.
Though, last year, Pewdiepie, currently the Youtuber with the highest subscriber count, was in the spotlight due to his income. Though, he was subject to guessing how much he earned, the articles I personally read were rather subjective. So why is Zoe, a Youtuber with 30 million less subscribers being attacked?
She's a woman.
She's a woman that is successful and media doesn't seem to like it. Any time a woman has worked to make something of herself, she is attacked.
As horrific as this is, a huge community of people have come to support Zoe. Thankfully, not all of our society are sexist and judgmental.
The main message to take away from this is to work hard and achieve your dreams, no matter your gender, no matter who you are. Even if someone attacks you, other people will always support you.

I post a new blog post once a week ^-^ Check back, comment or follow me on social media to keep updated :)
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