Surprisingly, I have been tagged (Thank you What A Silly Little Lady).
When I first received this nomination, I was wary. I find that tags can unintentionally promote a lack of creativity.
If I see one more tag in my YouTube subscription, I will scream.
But, that being said, I find this tag endearing. The aim of this challenge is to list your favourite sights, smells, sounds, tastes and textures.
I wanted to link this to my own blog, my own style, and I realised something. This tag is very similar to a technique called grounding, helpful to many with anxiety and panic attacks, You take note of things you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. It gives your mind something to focus on, which can help you come down from a panic attack, or to elevate the odd feeling of not being present, as I've discussed before here.
So in the spirit of being predominantly a mental health and discussion blog, here are my favourite things that help to relax me.

When I first received this nomination, I was wary. I find that tags can unintentionally promote a lack of creativity.
If I see one more tag in my YouTube subscription, I will scream.
But, that being said, I find this tag endearing. The aim of this challenge is to list your favourite sights, smells, sounds, tastes and textures.
I wanted to link this to my own blog, my own style, and I realised something. This tag is very similar to a technique called grounding, helpful to many with anxiety and panic attacks, You take note of things you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. It gives your mind something to focus on, which can help you come down from a panic attack, or to elevate the odd feeling of not being present, as I've discussed before here.
So in the spirit of being predominantly a mental health and discussion blog, here are my favourite things that help to relax me.
- Any cat. Just cats in general. I love cats.
- My boyfriend
- Waves lapping the shore
- Love
- Steven Universe episodes
- Meowing. (Did I say that I love cats?)
- Rain beating against a window.
- Animal Crossing music.
- My boyfriend laughing
- My mum singing
- Freshly baked bread
- Vanilla candles
- Book shops
- Chocolate
- Cafes
- Nutella
- Mums key lime pie
- Sour sweets
- Orange juice
- Chocolate chip muffins
- Cats fur (Can you tell I just really adore cats?)
- A fluffy jumper
- My pink blanket
- The pages of a book
- My boyfriends gentle kiss on my forehead (sappy? Maybe, but it's helped me through many an anxious time.)
And that's it! Now, I'm supposed to tag five more bloggers, but I'm too shy to know any other bloggers, so this is a bit awkward. If you go to Courtneys blog as linked above, you'll find the other bloggers tagged.
Also, thanks to my boyfriend, I now have an old but functioning laptop (he found it in a dump and repaired it). This means that my content will hopefully be of better quality, such as photos and links, as demonstrated above, the design inspired by Courtneys version of this tag.
Let me know if you do this tag! All comments are welcome but asked to be respectful. Check back for a new blog post once a week!
Say hi!\
Facebook; Justaoifethings
Twitter; @justaoifethings
Instagram; justaoifethings
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