A panic attack is one of the most complicated things in human experiences. You are panicking, yet relief is present. You are totally detached from yourself, yet you are hypersensitive to everything around you. You are numb, yet feel everything.
Panic attacks come with panic disorder and anxiety disorders, and present themselves in various ways. Some symptoms include;
Fits of rage
Irregular breathing
Spacing out
No matter what your panic attack is, it's usually very different to how a person acts. It's noticeable.
Personally, when I have a panic attack, I will sob, and I will shake, and I cannot breathe.
And people stare.
It's a horrible experience. I want to scream at these people to help me or to leave me alone, but I'm not in control of my body at that point.
You should never stare at anyone when they're having a panic attack. It dehumanises them. You're lacking any respect for their feelings, showing that you're viewing them not as a person, but as an event that's happening.
We can see you staring. We can see that you don't understand, that you're scared, that you're curious. But we are not animals in a zoo, we are not simply an intriguing phenomena occurring. We have feelings and you're trampling on the emotions that are already so sensitive.
Don't think that turning your head and walking away is an excuse either. If they are alone, at least ask if they're ok. I can't tell you how many teachers would look the other way when I had panic attacks in secondary school. That just makes us feel even more worthless that we were originally feeling.
It's not that hard to ask someone, especially someone you know, if they're ok. Nothing magically stops a panic attack, and no one expects you to be able to do so.
Bottom line, just see everyone as a human.
Come say hi!
(Proper links to return in the next post! If this is inconvenient, proper links are two to three posts back)
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