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Anxious Thoughts

I think it's hard to know what it's like for someone with anxiety. Without having it, it's impossible to know how it feels to have anxious thoughts constantly throughout the day. To try and illustrate the extent of these thoughts, I tried my best to take note of all the thoughts I have in one day.

  1. Am I real?
  2. Did I wake up too late?
  3. Is everyone ok?
  4. What if there was a burglar in the night?
  5. What if he murdered everyone?
  6. How would I save them?
  7. What if someone I know did it?
  8. How will I call 999 without them catching me?
  9. How would I survive the PTSD?
  10. Is he dead or alive?
  11. Alive. Phew. Breakfast.
  12. What if I don't like anything that's there?
  13. What if I turn off the alarm incorrectly and it starts to blare, waking everyone up?
  14. They'd be angry at me.
  15. I don't think I remember this code right.
  16. Thank god I did it right.
  17. I have to let the dog out.
  18. Make sure the door is locked.
  19. Check it.
  20. Turn the kettle on.
  21. I could burn my skin off.
  22. Check it again.
  23. Is the food here going to make me fat?
  24. Are you sure you locked the door?
  25. The dog is barking, maybe there's a stranger in the garden.
  26. I have a cramp, I must be pregnant.
  27. What will I do?
  28. *makes a plan to go to the UK for an abortion*
  29. How would I tell my parents?
  30. How will I deal with the emotions?
  31. People will think I'm gross if I don't get dressed now.
  32. My skin is disgusting, everyone must see it.
  33. He doesn't love me anymore.
  34. I hate my body.
  35. I have to change it.
  36. I'm worthless.
  37. I'll be alone when I'm old.
  38. How will I deal with being old and alone?
  39. I don't want to go to a nursing home.
  40. I'll be found three months dead under a table.
  41. I'm afraid of death.
  42. Will this meal make me fat?
  43. I need to exercise to counteract it.
  44. Did I offend them?
  45. They're not talking to me now.
  46. Was I too sensitive?
  47. I have no friends.
  48. Everyone thinks I'm weird.
  49. Everyone hates me.
  50. People are judging me.
  51. I'll never finish college.
  52. I'll be stuck in a job I hate.
  53. I'm worthless.
  54. I don't want this food but I don't want to offend anyone.
  55. If I throw this out everyone will think I have an eating disorder.
  56. They're staring at me.
  57. That was hurtful but everyone else thinks it's funny.
  58. What if they died tomorrow?
  59. *proceeds to mentally prepare funeral*
  60. How would I look after my little brother?
  61. I'm the worst sister.
  62. He hates me.
  63. He's going to be in therapy in five years and tell them how awful I am
  64. I'm hurting everyone's feelings
  65. Everything I do is bad
  66. I'll never achieve anything
  67. What if someone tries to choke me in the night?

This was as much as I noted and I'm sure there's plenty more. I can only speak for myself when I say these anxious thoughts, but I hope that this illustrates the extreme amount and persistence of negative thoughts an anxiety disorder gives a person. If you know someone with anxiety, know that this isn't a choice, it's exhausting, and we really need you to be patient with us. IF you have anxiety, know that you're not alone, and help is available to severely cut down on these thoughts.

As always, feel free to share experiences, and please be respectful. I post every week or so, so check back for more content!
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